Exhibiting Happiness: It’s All About Joy!

Thursday, December 9, 2021 4:00 PM by Taylor Studios in General

Why do we love our job so much? One word: joy. No, not necessarily the joy of finishing up a big project—although that sense of accomplishment is a wonderful feeling. And not the joy of winning industry awards, although that’s pretty darn special too.

What gets us up in the morning is seeing true, unadulterated joy on the faces of those who visit our exhibits. Seeing a child’s eyes sparkle as he explores one of our immersive nature dioramas. Watching a smile spread ear-to-ear as a young girl engages with one of our hands-on interactives. Catching that moment of joyful satisfaction when a visitor—young or old—learns something new. It gives us chills even writing about such moments. Ask anyone at Taylor Studios and they’ll tell you in a heartbeat, this is why we do what we do!

Sometimes, we even catch that joy on camera. Check out these photos—and then try telling us that we don’t have the best jobs in the world!

Logoly Log

A young child scampers through a “dead log” on the “forest floor” at Logoly State Park’s indoor exhibits. Magnolia, Arkansas. Photo courtesy of Arkansas Department of Parks and Tourism.

Purina Dog

Staring in wonder at an oversized dog. Purina Farms Visitor Center, Gray Summit, Missouri. Photo courtesy of Purina Farms Visitor Center.

Purina Puzzle

Strengthening body and mind at a large puzzle interactive. Purina Farms Visitor Center, GraySummit, Missouri. Photo courtesy of Purina Farms Visitor Center.

Wickiup Magnifying Glass

Climbing atop a large magnifying glass to explore an oversized world. Wickiup Hill Learning Center, Toddville, Iowa.

Tillamook Underwater

Face-to-face with an underwater world. Tillamook Forest Interpretive Center, Tillamook, Oregon.

Purina Dog 2

One satisfied visitor! Photo courtesy of Purina Farms Visitor Center.

Want to see some more photos of our happiness-inducing exhibits? Head on over to our Flickr page! Want to join our team? We’re always looking for top-notch talent—visit our Careers page and see what opportunities are available!

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