President (Slowly) Loses Her Job as Leadership Grows
Thursday, July 7, 2022 3:00 PM by Taylor Studios in Process and Project Management
As Taylor Studios transitions to new leadership, my role in the company is changing. It’s a little uncomfortable because I’m doing things that haven’t been part of my daily routine as President. It’s also gratifying. Other leaders are stepping up, and I am going where I’m needed most and can add the most value. One of those areas is recruiting for our growth.
We recently hired Ryan Howell as Production Manager, Todd Fugh as Project Supervisor, and Sally Mundy as Controller. Brant Hendricks and Jason Cox will spend the next month training them before they move into their new roles, Brant as President, and Jason as Vice President of Operations.
Given some other staff moving into different positions and all the work we have lined up for next year, we are also recruiting and hiring for several other positions. I’ve jumped in to help draft the help wanted ads, update job descriptions, do initial phone screens and set up interviews with the team. My help here allows other leaders time to focus elsewhere.
The recruiting process has changed from when I started decades ago. Nowadays, our interview process is more structured and team oriented, and incorporates new techniques such as behavioral interviewing. A cultural fit is more important than skills, so we always ask questions related to our core values. Because we don't want anyone accidentally influencing someone else's opinions, our policy is to not talk to others about the interview until we meet as a team, to decide together. Having a team help with the hiring process increases the odds of hiring the best person for the job.
Molly Fullan, Director of Project Management, is leading the charge to improve our onboarding process. Obviously, a new hire wants to feel welcome and to know we have a plan for their success. Molly has created checklists, schedules, and training documents as well as official offer letters for the new hires in her department. Her work has set the precedent for other departments to create similar materials. I have generated offer letters based on examples created by Molly and our Design Manager Jonathan Hafer.They are very good at getting feedback from our staff on many things including how to improve recruiting. Our operations will only get better and better with their leadership.
After 30 years of running the company, it’s rewarding to see all the improvements and an excellent leadership team. They are committed to maintaining TSI’s culture and reputation. Recruiting and onboarding ensure that we are poised for our growth plans while continuing to be stable, reliable, and creative.
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