The Meaning Behind Objects – My Office Move Out!

Thursday, August 4, 2022 3:00 PM by Betty Brennan in General

I am gradually cleaning out my office that I’ve occupied for 24 years. It’s a nostalgic task. As I look around at a somewhat empty space it’s strange to not see all the objects on the walls and bookshelves that tell the story of the history of Taylor Studios.

As I empty the shelves of books, I find it difficult to decide what to keep and what to throw away. I’ve put most of them in boxes to take home and decide later. I’m leaving Brant with ones like The Manual of Museum Planning and The Power of Place. I’m keeping the business ones, including several from the author Patrick Lencioni. I may be writing about that at some point, so maybe they are worth keeping.

I’m keeping the various fossils that were on the shelves. They remind me of the early years when we did fossil reproductions. I’m leaving the TSI sign made of steel, wood, and stone. I won it at one of our white elephant exchanges and loved having it on the shelf in my office. Curt Walker, a twenty-year veteran fabricator, made it. I think it needs to stay in the President’s office.

I already have enough wall hangings at home so I’m leaving the large Icarus painting that we created for a traveling exhibit on the history of flight. I’m giving the signed and numbered print depicting a Pleistocene landscape with a giant ground sloth, camels, horses, and other prehistoric animals to Joe Taylor. I remember how proud we were to own that back in our start up days when we were pedaling artifact and fossil reproductions. It was a rare treat in a time of no money.

In the closet I found the wall hangings and magazines from when we first made the Inc. 500 in 2000. That was the moment I knew we created something special and it’s a real, successful business. In the grind of starting and growing a business it was hard for me to stop and celebrate wins. The Inc. 500 and the conference was a big celebratory moment.

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On my desk I found the funny blob person magnet paper clip holder and a silly bottle opener I purchased on some European trips. Seeing the world has been a big part of this journey.

On the wall of horse stuff were two paint-by-number horses I did as a ten-year old. I gathered those from my childhood bedroom when my father passed away a decade ago. Being surrounded by talented artists, I rarely think of myself as artistic. Having those on the wall would remind me that I made attempts at being an artist even as a kid.

In with the pictures of dogs and trips is one of me and Sandra Day O’Connor. I met her at the grand opening of our exhibits at the St. Louis Federal Courthouse. The shelves are scattered with awards that remind me I did accomplish things.

It feels like I’ve gathered up the objects that denote my life’s work. It’s a strange task because in one sense I don’t want to keep useless things. It’s time for a fresh path and to create new things. However, as we know being in the history business those things have meaning.

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The bronze sign on the wall outside the door to the office with the Taylor Studios’ logo, Betty Brennan, President and established in 1991 came down a week ago. It’s now Brant’s turn. The office is in ship shape for him to take the helm.

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