Why Read Poetry?
Monday, December 21, 2009 5:39 PM by Betty Brennan in Design and Planning
We are in the story telling business. We tell history, cultural, nature and science stories. We tell stories in 3-D. You can feel and walk through our stories. If we are good storytellers, we will engage visitors. People remember stories (and themes). People enjoy stories.
I have studied business for over 20 years. I like statistics, data, graphs, charts, schedules, plans, metrics, directness, facts, logic, reason and net income. I used to think if I just give people facts they would understand, just like me. I have also studied psychology, communication and human behavior and know facts are not as impactful as art.
I want to become a better storyteller. I want to find my muse. I am surrounded by inspiration. Artists have surrounded my life. I spend lots of time with horses and in nature, whose beauty can bring tears to my eyes. I’ve started to read more poetry to improve my muse and hopefully my story telling abilities. If I can learn to write and speak with more creativity, I believe I will have more impact.
I recently read the book Zen in the Art of Writing by Ray Bradbury. In the chapter, How to Keep and Feed a Muse, he writes the following:
Art will fly if held too lightly,
Art will die if held too tightly,
Lightly, tightly, how do I know
Whether I’m holding or letting Art go?
I think my favorite poem is by Robert Frost – Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening. What is yours? How do you find your muse?
Posted by: Betty
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