Interpretive Planning Checklist
Improve your master interpretive plan with this checklist. This is a step by step guide on what to include in your interpretive plan.
Since we reopened the new exhibits our visitors have been ecstatic about the changes. It has given us a fresh new look that will continue to leave a lasting impression. It's made us excited to push forward. We want to use this project as momentum to challenge ourselves for updating other exhibits to get them to represent the same quality that Taylor has provided.
Daniel Trautner, Deputy Director Recreation and Parks - Rancho Palos Verdes, Point Vicente, CA
What’s in this bundle?
Analyze your resources
Analyze your management
What’s your market
Create messages
Plan your media
What’s your budget
Why you should get it?
If you fail to plan, then plan to fail. This easy reference will make sure you don’t forget the important stuff in your interpretive plan.